Data Definition
Name | Description |
AdditionalField | A definition of a question to be asked of the ticket buyer, in the form:
AdditionalFieldWithTickets | All the fields on AdditionalField, and also:
Address | A postal address in the form:
Admission | Details of an Admission (a ticket in a sale) in the form:
AdmissionResult | One of:
AllocationType | One of:
BankDetails | Bank account details in the form:
CartItem | An item in a cart (reserved tickets or other items such as surcharges) in the form:
CartSale | A reserved sale in the form:
CartSalePaymentResponse | A response to the attempted payment of one sale in the form:
ContentFrameType | (String) The type of frame that the email content will be wrapped in.
One of:
ContentType | (String) A classification of what this content is about, which determines the fields that will be interpolated into it.
One of:
CreditCard | Credit card details in the form:
Currency | A currency in the form:
Customer | A customer in the form:
Date | A date in ISO8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:SSSZZ). |
A valid email address. | |
EmailTriggerAudience | An object in the form:
EmailCampaignType | (String) The rule for when to fire the campaign. One of:
Invoice | An Invoice in the form:
List | An array. |
Number | A numeric value. |
OfferingCopy | Explanatory text in a ticket listing configured by the creator of an event.
OfferingGroup | A grouping of tickets offered for an event - within IWT this usually corresponds to an event date.
The pages are used to break up a long list of tickets for the convenience of buyers.
The pages should be displayed in order of increasing sort index.
OfferingPage | A list of tickets offered for an event.
The tickets and copy should be displayed interspersed in order of increasing sort index.
OfferingPaymentGatewayConfig | Payment configuration for the offering, e.g. which payment interface to use, account ID, etc.
Details will depend on the information required depending on the type.
OfferingTicket | A ticket.
OfferingVoterConfig | Configuration for a guardian rule which applies to the offering.
This can be used to prevent the buyer from choosing ticket combinations which would be prohibited by the server-side rules.
Details will vary depending on the type of the config.
PaddingStrategy | The padding strategy of a venue section:
PaymentSchedule | Details of a payment plan:
PaymentTransaction | A payment transaction in the form:
Phone | A valid phone number. |
Ref | A reference to another entity. Is of the form:
ReservationStatus | (String) one of:
SaleStatus | (String) one of:
Scan | A scan of an Admission, in the form:
ScanCapability | A description of something this user can scan. Details TBD. |
SellCapability | A description of an offering that this user can sell:
String | A textual value. |
TicketTypeMetadata | Metadata for a ticket type, in the form: